View some of the wonderful horses we have had the honor to own and show.
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Noble Blessing
(IXL Noble Express x Bonita Afire)
2015 Arabian Mare

Emperors Fire
Afire Bey V x Ritida
2008 Half-Arabian Bay Gelding

Jimeny Cricket
(SF Aftershoc+ x Madison Brown)
2017 Half-Arabian Gelding

SA Gisele
(IXL Noble Express+ x Rumina Afire+)
2009 Arabian Mare

HS Brilliant Heiress
Undulata’s Nutcracker x HS Daydream's Heiress
2017 Saddlebred Chestnut Mare

HS Knockin On Heaven's Door
(Tango's Parting Kiss x HS Daydream's Knockout)
2017 American Saddlebred Gelding

Nabasken Afire
(Afire Bey V x Nabaaska)
2000 Bay Gelding
2000 Bay Gelding

(Afires Heir x Joleen WB)
2011 Bay Arabian Gelding
2011 Bay Arabian Gelding

Debonheir DGL
(Afires Heir x Felicia Afire)
2012 Chestnut Gelding
2012 Chestnut Gelding

(IXL Noble Express+ x Brassmis)
2008 Chestnut Mare
2008 Chestnut Mare

Afires Guns NRoses+/
(Afire Bey V x HL Glitter NGold)
2007 Bay Gelding
2007 Bay Gelding

CP Rock On
(Hucklebey Berry+/ x First Danse)
2003 Grey Gelding
2003 Grey Gelding

Guns Afire+/
(Afire Bey V x HL Glitter NGold)
2002 Chestnut Stallion
2002 Chestnut Stallion

(Hucklebey Berry+/ x Always MTA)
2000 Bay Mare

(Afires Heir x Shes The Ritz)
2007 Bay Mare
2007 Bay Mare

TR Brazen+//
(BA Bey Elation x Beguiled)
1993 Bay Gelding
1993 Bay Gelding

Shadow Fire SSM+/
(DW Bonfire x Ferfari)
1995 Bay Gelding
1995 Bay Gelding

Carry On+/
(Reign On x Spring Fiesta)
1986 Grey Gelding
1986 Grey Gelding

(Undulata's Nutcracker x Rumina Afire+)
2013 Half-Arabian Bay Gelding
2013 Half-Arabian Bay Gelding

Eves Fire
(Afire Bey V x Ritida)
2007 Half-Arabian Mare
2007 Half-Arabian Mare

Adams Fire
(Afire Bey V x Ritida)
2002 Black Half-Arabian Gelding
2002 Black Half-Arabian Gelding

(Apollopalooza x Halsted's Polka Dot)
2003 Half-Arabian Bay Mare
2003 Half-Arabian Bay Mare

A Heart Throb MTA
(Take Heart x Always MTA)
2002 Half-Arabian Black Gelding
2002 Half-Arabian Black Gelding

Barbarry Coast+//
(Barbary+++ x Gifted Patricia)
1993 Half-Arabian Chestnut Mare
1993 Half-Arabian Chestnut Mare

Pledge of Allience
(Allience+// x Heather's Holiday)
1996 Half-Arabian Gelding
1996 Half-Arabian Gelding